Monday, October 11, 2010

30 Day Shred Week 4

Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred

Day 22: 

Level 2: I'm having some ankle issues and had to cut back on the jumping today.

Day 23:

Level 3!!!  Still having the ankle issues and still cut back on the jumping but I did Level 3 on mostly the easier versions.  I can already feel that I'm going to be sore tomorrow.

Day 24:

Level 3: I'm sore today in several places that Level's 1 & 2 didn't effect.  I guess that's good, right?  I still did the easier versions.  My ankle is still bothering me.

Day 25:

Level 3: Did about 50-60% with easy version.  My ankle is really not into a few of the moves Butt Kickers and jumping lunges are two of them I just can't do with out serious pain.  I must have strained something.  Lesson learned: Don't do 30 Day Shred in bare feet, you need ankle support. Also, I am realizing that my push up muscles are my weakest for whatever reason but my shoulders are pretty strong in every other exercise and I am using heavier weights for some of those.

Day 26:

Level 3: It's still hard to get through some exercises and I am always happy when she counts down to 5, 4, 3,2, 1.  Relief.

Day 27:

Day off, went to the beach.

Day 28:

Level 3: I will write an overview/summary of level 3 in my next post.

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